Before your website can begin to rank anywhere on the search engines, there are several important steps you have to take in designing the website. Having a website that looks great is just one hurdle when it comes to ranking. You have to make sure that your website has been built with search engine optimization in mind from the start.

While many pieces of SEO can be added later, having a website that allows you to even add the right kinds of SEO is necessary for this. Many website owners find out that their website wasn’t properly designed for SEO once they already have content, title tags, and other SEO components ready to install. Since websites don’t rank well if at all with search engines when they are missing these components a website that will not allow you to install these will always be a problem.

Common problems with ranking in the search engines come from missing out on many of these components. Even if your website is built with title tags and content, you’ll want to make sure that this content is unique. Duplicate content and title tags within your website will mean that this content counts against you instead of helping to boost your search engine rankings. Whether you write these yourself or your website builder does them for you, you’ll want to double check that all content is unique rather than coming from somewhere else on your website or another site on the internet. Even when words are only changed slightly this can be counted against you.

In many cases it is best to have professionals who know what they are doing write your content, title tags, and meta descriptions. Of course, before this even is started, make sure your website is built to have these different components at all. It is often the best idea to get a professional WordPress web design company to put together a website that is equipped with this extremely important SEO from the very start. Without these components or with duplicate content within these components, website rankings will continually suffer.